Blood Type Diets


There are 4 different blood types, namely O, A, B or AB. 

The idea behind the blood type diet is that if you eat according to your blood type it could help you to maintain a healthy weight and to feel healthier overall.

The blood type diet was created by a naturopath by the name of Dr Peter D’Adamo and his claim is that the foods we eat react chemically with our blood types and that following a diet more suited to your blood type will help you to digest your food more effectively, give you more energy and potentially prevent disease.

The following list summarizes the suggestions according to the various blood types:

Type O – can eat a high protein diet with good, lean sources of meat, poultry and fish as well as a variety of vegetables. They should go light on grains, beans and dairy products. People with type O blood groups can tend to have digestive issues.

Type A – should ideally follow a meat-free diet and stick to fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes and whole grains. People with type A blood groups tend to have more sensitive immune systems.

Type B – should avoid corn, wheat, buckwheat, lentils, tomatoes, peanuts, sesame seeds and chicken. Lots of green vegetables, eggs, some meats and low-fat dairy products are usually good for this blood type.

Type AB – should include tofu, seafood, dairy products and green vegetables. They should avoid caffeine, alcohol and smoked or cured meats. People with type AB blood tend to have lower stomach acid.

The type of exercise one does can also be linked to blood type. Exercises such as yoga or tai chi are recommended for Type A’s, whereas more vigorous aerobic exercises such as jogging, biking are suitable for Type O’s.

Unfortunately, this type of thinking can be quite boxy and because we are individuals and we often have specific food preferences, it isn’t always easy to stick to what is recommended for our specific blood type. There certainly is merit in limiting the foods that are not recommended or supporting your body if there are foods that you enjoy and still want to consume. Although we can’t apply a one-size-fits-all rule, this could be very effective for some people and less effective for others.

If you find yourself to be a meat and potato loving type A blood group, you could support your body with digestive enzymes and ensure increased intake of green, leafy vegetables to balance your diet.

Things can get a bit tricky if you have specific food intolerances that fall into the list of foods that you can eat and could become quite limiting if you had to try and stick to it strictly.

Any dietary restrictions could contribute to weight loss so it doesn’t mean that this plan would be more effective than any other calorie restricted diet, but for overall wellbeing, identifying foods that don’t make you feel well and eliminating them will have a positive benefit.

Listen to my interview with Brad Kirsten from Radio Cape Pulpit on 10 December to learn more.

Listen to my next interview on Thursday at 7.45am