Electromagnetic Frequencies


As the earth revolves it creates a natural electromagnetic energy field, but continuous exposure to electromagnetic radiation, whether from natural or artificial sources, can disrupt the delicate balance within this natural energy field. 

Geological faults, ley line crossings, underground water streams, and radon gas are examples of natural geopathic stressors. People living in high geographic stress zones have more health risks than those living in areas with less geopathic stress.

Geopathic stress is caused when destructive rays come from the earth and cause the same negative effects as electromagnetic radiation on our health.

Geopathic stress can affect humans, animals, plants, and other organisms including fungi, and bacteria. It is believed to be linked to a variety of harmful outcomes for human health, including cancer, diminished fertility, cognitive and neurological dysfunction, and autoimmune diseases.

EMFs disrupt the balance in our cells creating free radicals that have the potential to harm our DNA, lipids, and proteins. In sensitive individuals, they can change the expression of our genes causing symptoms such as fatigue and headaches. Sleep disorders, arthrosclerosis, vertigo, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, stroke, and nausea can also sometimes be caused by EMF exposure. 

Man-made elements also cause geopathic stress because by nature they disrupt the earth’s energy field and cause an imbalance in electromagnetic frequencies.

These include tunnels, dams, land reclamation projects, roads, artificial landscape features, and sewage systems as well as highways, railway lines, bridges, high tension, and electrical towers with antennae.

Technology-based devices, like cell phones and wi-fi, have become the norm in modern living and we can’t get away from them, but research has shown that they can have harmful effects on the body, especially the nervous system.

EMFs can result in the release of too many free radicals causing oxidative stress in our bodies and that can increase inflammation and accelerate aging.

EMFs affect the body’s metabolic functions and high levels of electromagnetic energy absorption can change the body’s electric current which disturbs the function of our tissues and organs.

Cell phones are substantial transmitters of EMFs. When we hold them close to our heads, they can alter our neuronal processes which can increase the risk for neurological diseases.

It’s almost impossible to get away from EMFs, but we can protect ourselves and reduce exposure where possible. EMF shields can be used to reduce the radiation from Wi-Fi routers, and we can spend more time in nature to get ourselves re-grounded after exposure. Also, keep your phone on flight mode and try to avoid having it in your bedroom when you sleep.

Listen to my interview with Brad Kirsten from Radio Cape Pulpit on 24 November 2022 to learn more. Listen to my next interview on Thursday at 7.45am