Stress is a normal part of life. Every day, we’re faced with stimuli, called stressors, which can elicit the body’s “fight or flight” response, setting off a cascade of physiological reactions and resulting in emotions ranging from mild to intense.

While occasional stress is natural and even healthy, chronic or acute stress can be harmful. Please take a few moments to discover your body’s response to situations you perceive as stressful. By honestly assessing how you feel, your healthcare provider can create a natural stress relief program for your individual needs.


Please read each statement and choose the number in the drop-down 0, 1, 2, or 3 that best describes your feelings or reactions throughout the course of the day. Some questions may appear redundant between sections. There’s a reason for each question. Don’t spend much time on any one question.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Contact Number (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Once you complete the assessment, please press “Submit” button and the system will email it back to you as well as your healthcare practitioner.

    0 = Never true, 1= Seldom true, 2= Sometimes true, 3= Often true

    Section A
    For the past two weeks or longer, I…
    1 Get wound up when I get tired and have trouble calming down.
    2 Feel driven, appear energetic but feel “burned out” and exhausted.
    3 Feel restless, agitated, anxious, and uneasy.
    4 Feel easily overwhelmed by emotion.
    5 Feel emotional — cry easily or laugh inappropriately
    6 Experience heart palpitations or a pounding in my chest.
    7 Am short of breath
    8 Am constipated.
    9 Feel warm, over-heated, and dry all over.
    10 Get mouth sores or sore tongue.
    11 Get hot flashes.
    12 Sleep less than seven hours a night
    13 Have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep.
    14 Worry about high blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides.
    15 Forget to eat and feel little hunger

    Section B
    1 Find myself worrying about things big and small
    2 Feel like I can’t stop worrying, even though I want to.
    3 Feel impulsive, pent up, and ready to explode.
    4 Get muscle spasms.
    5 Feel aggressive, unyielding, or inflexible when pressed for time.
    6 See, hear, and smell things that others do not.
    7 Stay awake replaying the events of the day or planning for tomorrow.
    8 Have upsetting thoughts or images enter my mind again and again
    9 Have a hard time stopping myself from doing things again and again, like checking on things or rearranging objects over and over
    10 Worry a lot about terrible things that could happen if I’m not careful.

    Section C
    1 Have muscle and joint pains
    2 Have muscle weakness
    3 Crave salt or salty things
    4 Have multiple points on my body that when touched are tender or painful
    5 Have dark circles under my eyes
    6 Feel a sudden sense of anxiety when I get hungry
    7 Use medications to manage pain
    8 Get dizzy when rising or standing up from a kneeling or sitting position
    9 Have diarrhea or bouts of nausea with or without vomiting for no apparent reason
    10 Have headaches

    Section D
    1 Have trouble organizing my thoughts.
    2 Get easily distracted and lose focus.
    3 Have difficulty making decisions and mistrust my judgment.
    4 Feel depressed and apathetic
    5 Lack the motivation and energy to stay on task and pay attention.
    6 Am forgetful
    7 Feel unsettled, restless, and anxious
    8 Wake up tired and un-refreshed
    9 Experience heartburn and indigestion
    10 Catch colds or infections easily

    Section E
    1 Feel tired for no apparent reason
    2 Experience lingering mild fatigue after exertion or physical activity
    3 Find it difficult to concentrate and complete tasks
    4 Feel depressed and apathetic
    5 Feel cold or chilled – hands, feet, or all over – for no apparent reason
    6 Have little or no interest in sex.
    7 Sweat spontaneously during the day
    8 Feel puffy and retain fluids
    9 Sleep more than nine hours a night
    10 Have poor muscle tone
    11 Have trouble losing weight
    12 Wake up tired even though I seem to get plenty of sleep
    13 Have no energy and feel physically weak
    14 Am susceptible to colds and the flu
    15 Feel dragged down by multiple symptoms, such as poor digestion and body aches

    Lifestyle & Health Status:
    1 Rate the level of stress you experience on the scale of 1-10, 10 being the worst:

    2 What do you consider to be the major causes of your stress (for example — spouse, family, friends, work, finances, wedding, pregnancy, legal, commute):

    3 How many times per week do you eat breakfast?

    3a. What is your typical breakfast?

    4 How many days per week do you take a vitamin/mineral?

    4a. How many days per week do you take a fish oil supplement?

    5 How often do you participate in at least 30 minutes of physical activity such as walking, aerobics (e.g., running), resistance training (e.g., weights, pilates), biking or yoga?

    6 If you smoke, how many cigarettes do you smoke daily.

    7 How often to you drink two or more 8 ounce cups of caffeinated coffee or other caffeinated beverages like energy/diet drinks, colas, or black or green teas:

    8 How often do you drink two or more ounces of alcoholic beverages?

    9 List your current health problems and any over-the-counter or prescription medications that you are now taking: