The candida gut type is related to yeast overgrowth which can be caused by contraceptive pills, antibiotics and other medications, or consuming a high sugar diet or foods that create “dampness” in the body such as bananas, wheat and gluten grains, and dairy products, especially cow’s milk. Chronic anxiety is also a contributor to the candida gut.
Candida albicans is the most common type of yeast that contributes to yeast infections throughout the body. Everybody will have some degree of candida, but it only becomes a problem when the ratio of unfriendly yeasts and bacteria outnumber the friendly yeasts and bacteria in the digestive tract.
An overgrowth of unfriendly yeasts causes other microorganisms to produce toxins that degrade the tight junctions which maintain the integrity of the intestinal lining intact, leading to leakiness in the gut barrier.
Candida thrives in a damp environment, which makes the gut an optimal breeding ground.
Signs that you may have an overgrowth of candida include:
- Having a white coating on the tongue
- Fatigue
- Sugar cravings
- Brain fog
- Joint pain
- Gas and bloating
- Urinary tract infections
- Bad breath
- Hormonal imbalances
- Chronic sinus / allergies
- Food intolerances
Candida loves sugar but unfortunately sugar allows the candida to thrive so it should ideally be eliminated. People with type I and type II diabetes are more at risk of candida and other yeast infections due to the dysregulation of sugar in their bodies.
A candida overgrowth can prevent the immune system from functioning optimally and can disrupt our digestive processes as well as the absorption of our nutrients. It can also negatively influence the activity and expression of our genes.
The best type of diet to follow is one that is high in pre and probiotic foods and low in sugar and refined carbohydrates, beer, alcohol, coffee and grains.
Cold foods or raw foods are not always ideal for the candida gut type. Warm or room temperature foods like warm soups, broths and stews would be better options. Bitter foods like kale, cranberries, green apples, lemons, limes, and blueberries are also good for the candida gut, as are fermented foods such as kefir, yoghurt, and sauerkraut. Baked apples with cinnamon and coconut milk can be a lovely sweet treat that won’t increase the levels of candida in the gut.
Supplements that can be beneficial would include probiotics, saccharomyces boulardii, caprylic acid, oregano oil, pau d’arco drops or tea.
Listen to my interview with Brad Kirsten from Radio Cape Pulpit on 1 February 2024 to learn more. Listen to my next interview on Thursday at 7.45am.